Kei Toume's eighteen-year youth ensemble classic gets its long-awaited animated adaptation. A story of love and humanity, following four boys and girls trying to live their best lives through hardship and turmoil, in a small town on a private rail line just outside of Shinjuku. Minor misunderstandings lead to big complications, and their various feelings become entangled. A story of daily life lived 49% looking back, 51% looking forward.
Season 1
E1 - A Misfit's Attempt at Self-Reform
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E2 - cul-de-sac
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E3 - What Is Love?
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E4 - As the River Flows, Shinako Returns Home
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E5 - The Man Named Minato
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E6 - The Woman Named Yuzuhara
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E7 - Premonition of a Couple
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E8 - Innocent Blue
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E9 - Christmas Carol
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E10 - A New Year of Beginnings
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E11 - A Spring Storm
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...
E12 - The Long Way
Source: Crunchyroll Translator: Editor: Timer: QC: (Please feel free to edit the speaker names if...